This has just occurred to me, hence this post is more thinking aloud...but in typing.
But could spin be a form of cultural hegemony?
I'm rusty on my cultural hegemony theory. But for a short re-cap, Antonio Gramsci came up with the theory of 'cultural hegemony' in which (if I remember correctly) he asserted that the masses are dominated by the ruling classes through the use of 'common sense'. The masses focus on the details of their daily lives, the economic, social problems ignoring the larger political and economic issues/problems that surround and effect them. Focused on the problems of their daily lives, the masses are kept distracted from their own oppression by the ruling classes.
Ok. So. I obviously still need to work on how this relates to spin. But what I am thinking is that spin, as a form of political communication keeps the 'truth', in the form of accurate information on policy, mandates, political issues etc from the masses or the electorate hence denying them of the information they need (and have a right to)to make educated, informed political decisions and instigate change through their vote.
Wow, long sentence. But anyways these are a few of my preliminary thoughts. Will work out this idea more in coming posts.
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